Our Program

BeKinder coffee is a nonprofit organization that provides job opportunities, training, and education to refugees and asylees who participate in our program.
Job Program
Orientation - meet with the employee, review the service plan, determine salary and goals.
Barista training - BKC will pay for the training and training time.
On the job training - the employee will learn all aspects of the business.
Management training - If the employee is promoted to the manager position, BKC will provide management training.
Employment Skill training - BKC will help with training in other areas after 12 months.
Education and Training Program
BeKinder Scholarship:
BKC will award college scholarships to employees or family member that meet the following requirements:
- Financial need
- Academic achievement
- Personal essay
The budget, application, and further requirements will be provided at a later date.
Mentorship/Training Program:
- Music program
- New job skills
- Certifications
Community Engagement Program
This program is designed to help everyone with special focus on refugees on discussion and workshop to help with culture differences, inclusion and traumas.